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Mysql download ubuntu

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If you want a challenging but still FUN 'hardcore RPG' experience, try Fallout 4 on Survival mode. After about 30+ hours in KC:D, I'm going to go back to one of the good ones Skyrim, Fallout 4, or Witcher 3. Again, I wanted this game to be good but it is not (hopefully Deep Silver can fix most of these issues). Oh, and though you are told to keep moving, you can't dodge correctly if you do. Get all the training you can but know that even the training damages you and your gear. You will get killed - hopefully you don't have to reload an hour back. Melee combat is better but clunky and suffers badly from a delay in actions. * Combat - you aren't a trained fighter at first but Henry shoots a bow like a 6 year old girl. Thankfully you can loot bodies without an annoying cut screen. Have to watch yourself bend over for flowers, watch your own face when speaking with a person, and look at your feet when going to sleep - every freaking time. you can do nothing to skip them or speed them up (except for story parts). * Fast travel is not fast and you're stuck watching your toon icon slide around on a cartoonish map. * Loading - this game loads frequently even when there's no reason the player should know it's happening - a black screen after doing certain things. * Map design was interesting at first but the pseudo-historical artwork just gets old and reduces readability. The 'realism' argument falls flat as you can drink schnapps to save your game at any time (but it costs tons of moolah). Hint: Sleep often - even if you are doing a longish mission because if you die or the game crashes, you may be doing the whole mission again. This would be a minor nuisance but they are actually a huge waste of time because. Cons: * Bugs - crashes and getting stuck on bushes (especially bushes near fences) and reloading. Story is semi-interesting but family-killed, learn-to-fight, get-revenge trope is nothing new.

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Pros: world looks great, voice acting good (but voice-to-mouth-movement is not good). There aren't enough pretty trees to make it worth the time. The scenery is beautiful but some of the game mechanics (and some bugs) make the experience tedious. The scenery is beautiful but some of the game mechanics (and some bugs) I wanted to love this game - I do not and I wish I had my $60 back. I wanted to love this game - I do not and I wish I had my $60 back. Not many games alow you this much immersion. So I've been able to keep the fighting to a bare minimum. Whenever possible, which is almost always. For instance, I like to talk alot so I usually have someone else do my fighting. I like that system alot, it's a fresh take on the immersion of your character. If you're not a thief you will think lockpicking -your actual IRL PLAYER SKILL is lacking- is super difficult and you won't get very far in the thievery world. Realism explained: If you're not an in-game leveled up fighter then YOU -the IRL person- will be put of fighting cuz fights will drag on and you will die and have to reload save quite alot of times untill you luck out completely and beat the enemy with your crap weaponry/dmg output. But its close to being AS GOOD as those games. Is this better? Or as good? No I don't think so. I love open world games like the Witcher, Gothic and Risen series. It's a poorly made rain effect and it rains almost ALL THE TIME.

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No lag, but a bit of lost frames here and there. But you dont know you've missed them unless you happen to have loaded your save before the cutscene and then randomly get a cutscene your second time visiting.

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Sometimes cutscenes dont play cuz you enter the room/cave from NOT the perfect angle, so you end up missing entire dialogues. Every single bush is a nuisance cuz they stop you in your tracks. Such as not being able to leave a room cuz the door have bugged and is now too much to the right/left so you can't leave. Alot of jokes and silly scenarios makes you think: "oh yes!! another cutscene! hope it's a long one!!" +Realism.*Explained below* Cons: -A few bugs here and there, but a reload of the save will fix. +Smoothe Pros: +Big open landscape with very few impossible to reach places. Pros: +Big open landscape with very few impossible to reach places.

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